Nos sommes engagés dans notre démarche et soutenons une association soucieuse de l'écologie.
Nous avons choisi de soutenir un organisme national et non-militant pour la préservation des espaces naturels.
C'est inscrit sur chacun de nos pochons contenant les jouets, pour sensibiliser sur ce sujet.
Because it's part of our values,
and why we founded KMR Childwood,
For the future of our planet and therefore of our children,
because every gesture counts and together we are stronger,
We chose to support an association concerned with ecology.
We have chosen to support a national and non-militant organization for the preservation of natural spaces.
For each toy sold, we donate 0.10 cents to the Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels des Hauts-de-France,
which finances the purchase of new territories that will become protected areas for the ecosystem.
It is written on each of our little bags containing the toys, to raise awareness on this subject.
Thanks to you and your toy orders, we can support them,
Thanks to our partners, we can spread the idea that nature is important for the future of our children.
It is therefore together that we support this organization!